Internet Sex Crimes Lawyer in Milwaukee

Internet Sex Crimes Lawyer in Milwaukee

If you or someone close to you has been charged with an internet sex crime, the Milwaukee defense attorneys of Hart Powell, S.C. have the experience you need on your side. Don’t let these allegations damage your life, take away your freedom, or cost you your reputation in the community. We are ready to help you fight the charges you face and help you protect your livelihood. Find out why so many people in Milwaukee and across Wisconsin have turned to our firm for help when they needed it most. Contact us at (414) 271-9595 to begin building a strong defense today.

With technology constantly evolving and a higher number of people having spent a larger portion of their life online, state and federal law enforcement has shifted its focus to sex crimes committed in cyberspace. In many cases, state law enforcement and even federal agents can run undercover sting operations to trick and catch individuals who search for child pornography, schedule a meeting with a minor for sex, or commit many other illegal sexual activities on the internet. Being accused or arrested for an internet sex crime is a stressful and frightening experience for you and your loved ones. Not only is your reputation on the line, but your family and job may be seriously impacted as well. And unlike other crimes where everyone should be viewed as “innocent until proven guilty,” crimes that are sexual in nature often give the accused a guilty label the moment you are arrested.

Sex crime convictions not only end in fines and jail time but also lead you to be permanently registered as a sex offender. This label follows you around for the rest of your life. The most important thing to remember if you are questioned about an internet sex crime by authorities is to not answer any questions without an attorney present. Hiring an attorney doesn’t make you look guilty; if anything, it proves you’re smart. Anything that you say or write can be used against you in a court of law. That’s why you need the assistance and guidance of a skilled attorney who can provide you with legal assistance to successfully protect your rights and lead you through this arduous process every step of the way.

Internet sex crime accusations and arrests are incredibly serious and could put your entire life, career, and future at stake. If you or someone you know has been accused of an internet sex crime, you need the services of a knowledgeable and talented attorney to defend your rights. Federal prosecutors utilize seemingly endless resources and will work to destroy your credibility and reputation. The Milwaukee internet sex crime lawyers of Hart Powell, S.C. are not intimidated by the resources of the federal prosecutors and will aggressively fight for your rights using any strategic tactic necessary. In order to protect yourself against damaging internet sex crimes accusations, contact the Milwaukee criminal defense attorneys of Hart Powell, S.C. by calling (414) 271-9595.

Main Office 735 N Water St #1212 Milwaukee, WI 53202 (414) 271-9595
Table Of Contents

    Why Choose Us

    For over 20 years, our team of highly skilled and professional Milwaukee criminal defense attorneys has dedicated their lives and careers to protecting the rights and futures of those accused of internet sex crimes. Unlike the opposition, we hold fast to our beliefs and convictions that every citizen, no matter how heinous the accusations, has the right to a fair trial and the right to the best legal representation available. Internet sex crime cases are not only incredibly serious, but they can be extremely complicated depending on the state’s stance. At Hart Powell, S.C. we truly believe that every individual deserves equal protection under the law and guarantee the highest care and legal services available no matter your wealth or social status. With decades of combined experience representing individuals just like you, we treat every case with the care and attention to detail it deserves to protect your rights.

    Types of Internet Sex Crimes

    Internet Sex Crimes Lawyer in MilwaukeeThere are a variety of internet sex crimes that you may be accused of including internet pornography, chat room solicitation, violation of the Mann Act, and prostitution. Internet sex crimes carry mandatory minimum sentencing, which could mean that you will face harsh consequences for the crime even if it is your first offense. This kind of sentencing does not allow a judge to take your individual circumstances into account. The Milwaukee criminal defense lawyers of Hart Powell, S.C. have experience challenging the constitutionality of mandatory minimum sentencing and will work to ensure that you are treated fairly throughout the legal process. Federal authorities are prohibited from searching and seizing your computer or other property without a valid warrant. Many times, authorities violate your rights by proceeding with searches by using defective or invalid warrants. The Milwaukee internet sex crime attorneys will challenge these warrants and ensure that any evidence that was obtained in an unlawful manner will be inadmissible. Contact us today if you’ve been accused of any of the following:

    Because of their sinister nature and stigma, prosecutors take these types of cases incredibly seriously, especially when they involve minors. Because of this, the accused are often treated unfairly and accusers deliver judgment even before the case begins. To avoid jail time, thousands of dollars in fines, and the life-changing label as a registered sex offender, you need an internet sex crimes lawyer by your side to be in your corner and stand up for your rights.

    If you have been arrested and charged with an internet sex crime, you may be thinking that all hope is lost. However, this isn’t the truth, and there are a number of defenses against these types of accusations. In many cases, images downloaded onto your computer were in fact downloaded by someone else without your knowledge or were mistaken for images of persons of legal age. Additionally, you may have met with someone you thought was of legal age or who lied to you about their age. A skilled attorney can also argue and build a case for entrapment if you were the victim of a sting operation and a law enforcement officer persuaded you to break the law without your intention.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    It’s incredibly important that we use all the time available to us build a strong case in your favor. Make sure to call us immediately to get started on your case today. In order to help you better understand your rights and how internet sex crimes are viewed in Wisconsin, we have included the answers to some frequently asked questions below:

    Is revenge porn considered an internet sex crime in Wisconsin?

    Yes, Wisconsin is one of the 38 states that have explicit revenge porn laws that prohibit the distribution of nude or sexually explicit photos that do not belong to the person distributing them without that person’s express consent. Wisconsin’s law, passed in 2014, makes it a class A misdemeanor to distribute images of a “nude or partially nude person or of a person engaging in the sexually explicit conduct.” These are serious charges and can carry with them considerable fines, jail time, and a ruined reputation. Because of the serious nature of the crime and its penalties, it is vital to have a skilled and aggressive criminal defense attorney on your side to fight these charges. For more information or to speak to one of our Milwaukee internet sex crimes criminal defense attorneys, please contact Hart Powell, S.C. at (414) 271-9595 today.

    What are some common internet sex crimes?

    “Internet sex crimes” is a broad term that encompasses a variety of different crimes with different penalties associated with them. Some common internet sex crimes include the possession and distribution of child pornography, solicitation (with greater penalties for the solicitation of a minor), the exhibition of oneself online, revenge porn, and prostitution, among others. Some sex crimes are considered to be in the jurisdiction of the state, while others may result in federal charges and felonies. Because of the potential severity of the penalties associated with these charges, it is imperative to have a skilled criminal defense attorney fighting to get your charges dropped. For more information, please contact Hart Powell, S.C. at (414) 271-9595 today.

    What is the Mann Act and how does it affect internet sex crime charges?

    The Mann Act is a law enacted in 1910 for the purpose of fighting forced prostitution, but due to its vague language, it has changed over the years to encompass a number of other sex crimes. For example, this act has been used in cases concerning the internet and sexual exploitation of minors, when individuals pursue children across state lines. Additionally, it is sometimes still used in cases of prostitution when state lines have been crossed, even if the sexual act has not been committed using the internet. Effectively, the Mann Act affects internet sex crime charges by placing additional federal charges on those who commit these crimes. If you are facing charges under the Mann Act or any other internet sex crime, a skilled criminal defense attorney is your best option to get your charges dropped and your life back on track.

    Contact Us

    No matter what type of charges you are facing or how stressful this time may be, there is hope. We know how frightened you or your family members may be if you were accused of an internet sex crime, but we are committed to standing up for you and helping you fight the allegations against you. To learn more about how an experienced, tough, and professional Milwaukee internet sex crime attorney can help you in your time of need, contact Hart Powell, S.C. today at (414) 271-9595 and schedule a free consultation.

    Written by Michael Hart & Craig Powell

    Last Updated : March 5, 2025